Exodus Currencies
Main Currencies
Platform Puppet - The Platform Puppet is the primary currency at Exodus. One Platform Puppet is equivalent to 2 billion mesos. Platform Puppets are used for transactions between players, or with NPCs for items, upgrades, and so on. You can trade 2 billion mesos for one puppet in game by using the command @buypuppet, and you can sell a puppet for 2 billion mesos by using the command @sellpuppet.
Puppet Rubble - Puppet Rubble is the secondary currency at Exodus. Every monster in the game has a 10% chance of dropping Puppet Rubble. Puppet Rubble are also used for trades between players and NPCs, as well as additional item requirements for things like Fantasy Theme Park, MSI's, and etc. Puppet Rubble are mostly obtained from mobs, vote points and JQ points.
Event Currency
Event Points - Event Points are unseeable points that are added to your character upon winning events. You may also give & receive event points from players. Event Points are traded in for IOC's (item of choices) which are rare item unobtainable from MapleStory shops and the cash shop. Event Points can also be traded with players for a variety of other items and/or services.
ETC Currencies
Dark Tokens - Dark Tokens are the server's Party Quest currency. Each time you complete one of our custom PQ's, you will receive a Dark Token. Dark Tokens are untradeable and will disappear if you drop them. You may trade Dark Tokens with the Dark Token Trader NPC for valuable items and currencies.
Targa Paws - Only obtainable at Fantasy Theme Park, Targa Paws can be exchanged with players and or NPCs for items like Event Points, Platform Puppets, Puppet Rubbles, and more. Targa Paws may only be obtained at Fantasy Theme Park by killing the monsters, winning the minigames, or defeating the bosses.
Plastic Crowns - Plastic Crowns prove that you were strong enough to defeat all stages of the Mu Lung Dojo. Each time you complete all the stages of Mu Lung Dojo, you'll receive a Plastic Crown. Plastic Crowns are tradeable and my be traded with players, or exchanged by the Dojo Trader NPC for IOCs.